Monday 30 July 2007

And so, it begins...

A visual diary of sorts, which will hopefully convey some of the sights, sounds and smells of my bike hike through hitherto unexplored parts of the great wilderness that is Canada (actually, the parts I am going to are well explored, in fact teaming with the footprints of billions who have gone before, but that is nowhere near as pioneering a vision!).

39x23 signifies the lowest gearing on my bike - given the nature of the terrain and the mass of my body, whose greatest enemy is gravity, it is an apt title for what likely will be the most common gear configuration I shall use!

Depending upon 'Net access in these vast sweeps of emptiness, I hope to update on a semi-daily basis, sometimes with pics, but most likely mainly just with the ramblings of a mind twisted by the exertion and sheer pain of effort to traverse mountains which scrape the skies. I look forward to the vain struggle to cheat nature's powerful forces - stay with me!