Now Jan and Feb 2009 have howled by - *sniff* – bye bye!.
OK, first genuflections to the maestro, the God, the One and Only Jeff Beck! He came, I saw, he conquered. So glad to have seen a living legend in the flesh and whipping up a storm. What has always appealed to me about Jeff is that he sounds like NO-ONE else. He is a singularly unique and immediately recognizable player, yet with a vast variety of sounds, styles and tempos at his disposal. I rate his interpretation of the Beatles Classic "A Day in the Life" as one of THE best covers of an original ever. He played his heart out, and by the end of the concert he was more than a little knackered! But he came back for one more encore! Cheers Jeff!
Next, More Bike Porn!
This time, what may very well be my next bike - the Colnago CX-1.
Since I first clamped eyeballs on this beast, it's dug its claws into me. First off, there's the mythical Colnago name and aura: Merckx's 1972 World One Hour Record Breaker 'Nago, their straight-bladed fork, the revolutionary C-40, and their presence in most any Euro peleton. Next, well I'm a sucker for a red, white and black bike, and the CX-1 in ACRD does it for me. Third – well, most everyone longs for a bike that is a thousand times more capable than themselves! Colnago lust just happens to be my poison! Check out the site:
Colnago CX-1 in ACRD
And, a piccie ripped from their site:
Also, a review up at Bicycling CX-1 Review
Finally, once again the HBF Freeway Bike Hike for Asthma is looming (no - you don't do it to get Asthma, although it can tend to be a lung buster!). March 22nd – the countdown is on!
Ride safe!