So, a little update re: my new wheels previously mentioned, and some loot that Santa (in the form of myself) arranged!
First off, my new TWE wheels. After 300 or so kms, the verdict is - Perfect! Smooth, straight, vertically supple yet no lateral sloppiness, roll like nobodies business, and look great to boot! Too easy! Here's a pic below of them on my Masi 3vc (and link to larger pic):
My Bike with TWE Wheels (large pic)
Fits the colour scheme perfectly! Well - I'm happy :).
Next - Santa's pressies (thanks from me to me!)
Featuring first, my new Lazer Genesis Helmet. Piccies and links commence below.
Helmet Top from front (large pic)
Again, fits the colour scheme, and looks great as well.
Helmet Top from rear (large pic)
The red roller button adjusts a band inside the helmet to your head - slap on the helmet and tighten it up. Excellent system!. Still has the under-jaw straps as well of course.
Helmet Front (large pic)
Very low profile front = less resistance and low noise.
Helmet Rear (large pic)
The helmet adjust mechanism leaves the lower rear of the head below the helmet free, so bandanas etc fit great.
Helmet Side (large pic)
Love this lid! Comfortable, light, quiet and looks A1! Not much more to ask for.
Next up, shoes - Sidi Genius 5's to be precise. Early 2007 model, and not carbon, but the 'Millenium 2' sole is stiff-as, and the buckle is great - smooth, fits well, and ratchets perfectly. Overall, the best shoes I've had (mainly been a Shimano man), with comfort, no hot-spots, light and excellent quality. OK - piccies!:
Shoes Top (large pic)
Bright silver, but not as garish as the bright blues of the former shoes!
Shoes Top and Underside (large pic)
Replaceable heel pad, and fits SPD-SL's well.
Shoes Right Side (large pic)
Shoes Left Side (large pic)
Again, really happy with these. Riding is definitely better with Santa's goodies :)
Got the lid and shoes from a UK place called ProBikeKit who ship to Australia - worked well for me, altho' delivery takes a while over the Xmas period. Check 'em out:
ProBikeKit Website
Catch you on the road!
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