Saturday, 7 November 2009

2009 Great Victorian Bike Ride

Well, lucked out and landed the WARBY gig for the upcoming Great Victorian Bike Ride spanning 10 days from November 28th to December 6th. WARBIES (We Are Right Behind You) are volunteers who ride along with the participants and assist with mechanicals, offer a smile and encouragement etc. Mucho thanks to the Bike Victoria organising team for choosing little ol' WA-based me :).

Had a great time doing those duties during the Great West Australian Bike Ride in March of this year, and am really looking forward to this upcoming experience. Especially looking forward to tootling along the Great Ocean Road. I did the road many years ago on a motorbike – needless to say, I was younger and the challenge wasn't what you could see, rather how fast one could go. So, this time I will definitely get to see a whole lot more.

Apparently there's also the 'famous Laver's Hill'? Meh – don't know and don't want to know: if it's just called a hill, it can't be all that bad, and anyway, I've whacked on a wimpy 50-34 compact crankset on the front of the Dean so I'm all set to climb goat tracks!

The GVBR this year is going to be huge – all sold out, and I think something like close to 6,000 participants! Man, that's an awful lot of potential punctures requiring repair! The WARBIES will be up for it – my past experience definitely confirms it as one of the best volunteer roles in terms of mixing it with the people, and also of the most enjoyable: sometimes hard but always rewarding and fun.

Roll on November 28th! (And the sun and good temps).

Ride safe!

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