Bicycle Adventures
Whilst I'll include a few photos in the blog, the main album for this Tour can be found online at:
Gulf Islands Photo Album
After the hectic travel to Seattle and the shock of seeing affluent homeless with bikes, I landed in my digs for the night: the Renaissance Seattle Hotel. A nice little place for an evening, situated on Madison St, this was to be the site of pickup the next morning by the tour crew.
My room was fine, although the view out my window of the freeway was less than stirring, but with a bit of neck-craning I managed to glimpse something that looked like water? After the obligatory room service order, I set about organising for the next days pick-up and tour start; readying clothes, getting out required gear and most importantly, resurrecting my bike from it's packaged hell (actually a soft case). The bike had stood up well to the flight and intermittent tossing of baggage handlers (I later glimpsed how they loaded my bike bag onto a cart - tossing is the kind description!) and with no damage to speak of was soon together and looking resplendent. For those interested, she is a Masi 3VC full carbon frame with Dura Ace group. More later.
Next morning after a fitful sleep, I was up bright and early for a quick walk around the block, some brekky, and then the carting of my gear and luggage downstairs for the 8:30 am rendezvous with the Tour van. Well knock me over with a fencepost - it seems the large majority of the group were also staying at the same hotel as the pavement outside the hotel was awash with bikers and bikes! After some quick intros, the Bicycle Adventures van pulled up and we were intro'd to the guides Marty and Ric, given a short run down of the days planned events, and then everything was packed onboard post-haste for the ride to the Cap Sante Marina where the riding would officially start.
Upon arrival, more meeting and greeting, organising of gear, guide announcements re: the general set-up of the tour, riding instructions, and specifics about the short ride (16km) to the Washington State Ferry Terminal at Anacortes which would serve as our jumping off point to Vancouver Island and then the Canadian Gulf Islands (hereafter referred to as the CGI's).
Then we were off! Determined to be unencumbered by handle-bar bags I eschewed the use of both those and therefore the explicit and detailed ride notes and simply determined to follow someone else! This course of action held me in good stead the entire trip (except for the many times I went anywhere on my own - I acquired a reputation for riding first and checking directions later!)
After a brisk trip to the Terminal, most everyone decided to do the extra 10km ride around the Washington State Park Loop, a lovely little ride around the high point of a small mount 'peninsula' I guess you'd call it. Some great views, one way traffic, and some well hidden road humps just to spice it up! Here's a piccie from a vantage point on route:
After being introduced to the what would become familiar routine of ferry ingress and egress and the relative smoothness of the ride - the ferries are very large vehicle and people transporters, a good think given my very poor water travel temperament!, we disembarked at Sidney, BC and drove to our first night's accommodation of the tour, the Laurel Point Inn, Victoria.
Upon walking into my room, I was blown away by both the view of my bathroom (palatial) and the view out my window (breathtaking Victoria!) Both are below:
The bathroom had more rock than you could poke a stick at and a lovely bath and shower which I promptly made use of. Hmmm - bubble bath! Incidentally, I lucked out on this tour and ended up having rooms all to myself :)
After a leisurely soak and casual unpack and dress for the evening meal, I sauntered out onto my balcony for a long eyeball at the view to Victoria. After several minutes I noticed a party heading away from the hotel and down towards the waterfront. They all looked happy and eager to eat. They were - I recognised Marty the guide: it was my tour group leaving without me! Aarrgghh!
I scurried down to where I'd last spied them and took off down the street in pursuit: no luck. Somewhat difficult given that they were all still new faces to me. After a frantic few minute search I ran back to the hotel and checked with the hotel staff to see if they knew where they had gone specifically. One lass did, but she was away from the desk. 10 minutes later I'd found out the restaurant and detailed directions to it - it was about a 20 minute walk. Oh well! One 20 minute walk along the lovely waterfront later, I arrived at the place to find the group ensconced and drinking, and Marty the guide wondering where the hell I was! I then found out that it had taken them about half the time to get to the place - they had taken a water-taxi across the harbour! So, this was how it was to be: ditch the Australian!
After a lovely meal, a few drinks and a nice chat we all did the 20 min walk back to the Inn. I settled down for a drink on the balcony catching the night view to the city whilst plotting my revenge... I know, I'd leave them all behind on a ride. Genius!
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