Saturday, 27 October 2007

Cycling, Summer and Serpents

Thought I'd relate a little 'tale' re: a recent encounter on a Perth cycleway whilst riding to work one day this week.

Tootling along the cycleway on the South-West side of the Maylands Peninsula at about 7:30am. Google Map below shows the cycleway (the thin brown path) next to the green park leading to the river:

View Larger Map

On the path just below the large empty block in the center of the map, I looked up to see a largish Dugite spread across three quarters of the path. Given that I'd only just looked up, I was travelling 30+ km/h, I wasn't planning on stopping, and there was a gap, I blew past, and looking back, spied the snake (having been rudely awoken) making a slither for the reeds near the path from which I assume it had come.

I know it was Dugite - its colour and slender head was a giveaway, and I've seen a few in my years living and working in the wheatbelt as a kid and student.

So, a nice reminder that Summer is coming! :)

I decided to check out the Wikipedia site for some info on Dugites, and funnily enough there's a pic of one in the entry - sunning itself on a cyclepath near the Roe Highway, which is in Perth! Small world! Damn, should've snapped a pic! Especially seeing as the one I saw was fairly large - maybe 5 ft?

Wikipedia entry for the Dugite

So, keep your eyes peeled if your cycling along the river in Perth!

Tuesday, 23 October 2007

Cadel Evans wins ProTour classification

Go Cadel! A great result for a great year of riding. Cadel has shown he's a great GC rider, consistent and strong across the bike. He's done a power of work this year. Go to Cycling News to read the two part interview with him (linky below):

Cadel Evans interview on Cycling News

Also, check out his website and leave him a 'good onya' message.

Cadel's Website

Monday, 22 October 2007

City of Perth Great Bike Ride 2007

Sunday the 25th of November is the date for the 2007 City of Perth Great Bike Ride, a jaunt (or flog depending upon ones desires) around the Swan River from Perth to Fremantle and back.

The website for the ride is a good one, with explanations of the event, route, info, merchandise, entry procedure etc - url is below:

City of Perth Great Bike Ride Website

This is the fourth year it's been held but will be the first time I've (hopefully) done it. The first year I wasn't aware of it, the second I was away, and the third I entered but got a monster summer-style flu' the week before the event and chickened out! So, fingers crossed for this time!

There's options of a 53km one or 106 km two lap ride - I'm partaking in the shorter one, as I am NOT a morning person and couldn't imagine starting a 106 km ride at 6am! The 53km ride has a much more sociable 7:40 am starting time :P

Below is the link to the Google map of the Swan River (unfettered by street names) - refer to the Great Bike Ride site to suss out the route: it basically follows the river anticlockwise from the green arrow start and end point.

Link to Larger Map view

Really looking forward to this - will try and blatt it out as hard as I can just for the fun of it.

Any Perth-ites interested can register on the site - go for it! It's for a great cause ("hosted by Rotary Club of Perth and raises much needed funds for three worthy charities: the Heart Foundation, St John of God Foundation and Hope for Children") and a great opportunity to ride around suburban streets in organised safety. Let's take over the streets for a couple of hours!