Monday, 22 October 2007

City of Perth Great Bike Ride 2007

Sunday the 25th of November is the date for the 2007 City of Perth Great Bike Ride, a jaunt (or flog depending upon ones desires) around the Swan River from Perth to Fremantle and back.

The website for the ride is a good one, with explanations of the event, route, info, merchandise, entry procedure etc - url is below:

City of Perth Great Bike Ride Website

This is the fourth year it's been held but will be the first time I've (hopefully) done it. The first year I wasn't aware of it, the second I was away, and the third I entered but got a monster summer-style flu' the week before the event and chickened out! So, fingers crossed for this time!

There's options of a 53km one or 106 km two lap ride - I'm partaking in the shorter one, as I am NOT a morning person and couldn't imagine starting a 106 km ride at 6am! The 53km ride has a much more sociable 7:40 am starting time :P

Below is the link to the Google map of the Swan River (unfettered by street names) - refer to the Great Bike Ride site to suss out the route: it basically follows the river anticlockwise from the green arrow start and end point.

Link to Larger Map view

Really looking forward to this - will try and blatt it out as hard as I can just for the fun of it.

Any Perth-ites interested can register on the site - go for it! It's for a great cause ("hosted by Rotary Club of Perth and raises much needed funds for three worthy charities: the Heart Foundation, St John of God Foundation and Hope for Children") and a great opportunity to ride around suburban streets in organised safety. Let's take over the streets for a couple of hours!