Monday, 17 November 2008

Clothing Gear - Apres Velo

Tootling around on the web (as is my want) I came across a sweet little online Aussie shopfront dealing in a quirky and cool range of t-shirts designed for after-cycle wear: incredibly the name of the place and the range is "Apres Velo"! (meh – go look it up).

So, coolies thought I, and I wandered in to take a peek. Ended up buying 5 T's. Mainly on the strength of being hit in the eye by this design the moment I poked it in the place:


How cool is that? "Cranky", a nice little pun which accurately describes me when I'm not riding! Or at work.

Anyway, purchased two of these suckers and then also splurged on the following designs:

'Tour De Alpes'


'Peoples Republic of Pedallers'

That last reeks of Mao Zedong, and would explain why they have a 'manifesto' page on their site – OK, slightly commie, but I'll forgive them for that.

Anyway, I can heartily recommend them (the T's that is, not the rabid doctrine) – they're well made, fit well (extra large for me), humorous, a nice little touch of retro, have a bunch of other designs as well, and have a cool factor on the low side of the Kelvin scale.

Hit 'em up online at Apres Velo - all the pics are a rip from their site.

Oh, and one final reason for keeping them in mind? Apparently their 2009 'Le Chevre Lunatique' range promises " depict goats in a variety of arresting positions."

Well, that does it for me – you can NEVER have too much goat!

Ride safe!

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