Friday 19 February 2010

Lindsey Vonn won two gold medals wearing UVEX goggles

Entirely non-bike related, but this whole bullshit legal charade perpetrated by the IOC is just another reason to ignore the farce that the Olympics (both Winter and Summer) is becoming.

Uvex, a manufacturer of, amongst other things, winter ski goggles as used by many of those currently competing in Vancouver, congratulated Lindsey Vonn, US downhill skier and Uvex user, on their website for her olympic success. Whereupon the IOC had one of their landshark lawyers call Uvex and threaten them with IP infringement if they didn't take down said message. Uvex replaced it with a witty poem instead.

Here's the link to the Uvex site (Uvex) , and a rundown of the story at Slashdot (IOC Claims Olympian Lindsey Vonn's Name As Intellectual Property).

So, just to make my own contribution:

"Lindsey Vonn won two gold medals in Vancouver at the Winter Olympics. She was wearing UVEX goggles, which probably stopped her eyeballs from freezing whilst on the downhill, thus contributing in some small way to her success. Congratulations to Lindsey Vonn for her marvellous efforts, and congratulations to UVEX for offering her a chance to use the product that prevented her possible loss of sight, thus enabling her to compete and win."

Just my personal opinion of course.

Ride safe! 

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